Tag Archives: trans porn

She Nuts on Her Own Tits!

I’m big on cumshots. In my opinion, it’s the whole point in watching a porn. Have you ever been into a free porntube video on the hub and gotten to the end and they cut it off before the grand finale? Nothing kills your mood like that. Then you have to find another and start all over.

Well luckily, I found this video of a black trans girl masturbating her massive cock and very quickly realized I had been sacrificing a lot of sexy that I didn’t have to with my old porn habits. I’m not saying cis girls aren’t hot. Because believe me, they are. I don’t think I would ever date a trans chick, but if I’m just jerking off and no one knows, I’m more than happy to partake in those of the shemale persuasion. Besides, watching her jerk off and then cum on her own titties was so hot it felt like the ultimate fantasy come true, and it wasn’t even a fantasy that I knew I had!

Now I’m steadily watching more black tranny videos to see what other delicious delights I’ve been deprived of.